All UK home insurance quotes will include 'All Major Perils' which are as follows:
Fire Explosion Lightening and Earthquake
Theft/Attempted Theft
Vandalism/Malicious Damage
Riot & Civil Commotion
Subsidence, Ground Heave or Landslip
Trace & Access
Alternative Accommodation
Air Craft Collision
Escape of Oil/Water
In addition to the Major Perils, Coach House Insurance must include:
All the garages/carports/underpasses/bin stores/bike sheds etc which form the building - even if they are on leasehold to other nearby properties.
Legal Liability Protection - not to be confused with Family Legal Protection which is optional.
Impact & Collision by a motor vehicle.
Optional Extra's would be:
Extended Accidental Damage
Personal Possessions Cover
Specified Items Cover
Family Legal Protection - not to be confused with Legal Liability Protection listed above
Home Emergency Cover.
If you are letting your Coach House out to tenants you need Landlords Coach House Insurance, which is slightly different again as you need to also cover your liabilities to the tenants of the property as well as the leaseholder's of the garages/carports. When you get a quote from a Coach House Insurance specialist - make sure that they confirm in writing that the policy is suitable - this is a niche product so please ensure your property is catagorised and specified properly - as a Coach House. Also make sure you are not paying over the odds for the cover, and that the Insurer is not passing down costs to you because they class the cover a 'non-standard'. Use a specialist insurer so that you benefit from a choice of competitive quotes - which is not using your Coach House set up as an excuse to bump up the premium.
You cannot buy this type of insurance online, you will need to seek specialist help and guidance to make sure you do not leave your self uninsured with the wrong product. We recommend that you always speak with your advisor and check the quotation in writing to confirm your understanding and the policy is suited to your needs. This is your responsibility, not the Insurers, so don't leave it to chance and assume you are covered. Discuss the leasehold of the garages in full to make sure you are buying the specialist cover that you need. This is not unique to Coach House Buildings Insurance, this also applies to Contents Insurance too - your building type doesn't change just because its a contents policy - make sure you are specified as a coach house on contents only policies too.

Coach House Insurance Quotes by Home Shield Insurance include everything you need, and we can add everything you would want! Our quotations are Coach House specific, and we confirm in writing what is and is not covered for your peace of mind. We can guide you through, and ensure that in the event of a claim you are covered. Visit for a free quote today. You can call us on freephone 0800612 2007 for over the phone help and quotes if you prefer. We can provide instant cover and a range of competitive quotes. We are your one stop shop!